Antischwarzer Rassismus

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  • Pickel, G., & Wandt, J. (2023). Antischwarzer Rassismus in der Berliner Bevölkerung. In G. Pickel, O. Decker, & K. Reimer-Gordinskaya, Der Berlin-Monitor 2021. Die herausgeforderte Demokratie der Großstadt (S. 42–57).
  • Schug, J., Alt, N. P., & Klauer, K. C. (2015). Gendered race prototypes: Evidence for the non-prototypicality of Asian men and Black women. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 121–125.
  • Schug, J., Alt, N. P., Lu, P. S., Gosin, M., & Fay, J. L. (2017). Gendered race in mass media: Invisibility of Asian men and Black women in popular magazines. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 6 (3), 222–236.
  • Stevens, W. E. (2021). Blackfishing on Instagram: Influencing and the Commodification of Black Urban Aesthetics. Social Media + Society, 7 (3), 205630512110382.
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