- Status: Laufendes Projekt
- Laufzeit: –
Research project
ORAS: Organisation-Racism-School - Dealing with complaints about racism at school
The social debate on racism has intensified in recent years, particularly as a result of persistent anti-racist struggles. The "ORAS - Organisation, Racism, School" project reconstructs how this debate occurs in the school context.
The project analyses how knowledge about and dealing with racism is negotiated between the actors involved in the school (teachers, school management, pupils). Among other things, the questions of how pupils communicate experiences of racism and what specific procedures schools develop to deal with complaints about racism will be investigated.
The project is being carried out at grammar, secondary, and high schools in Berlin and Leipzig. It is supported by the practice partners Each OneTeach One, the ombudsman's office of the State Office for Equal Treatment - Against Discrimination (LADS) in Berlin, and the Anti-Discrimination Office.
Specifically, group discussions and individual interviews will be conducted with teachers, school social workers, and pupils. On the one hand, the research project contributes to basic research on institutional racism. On the other hand, the project provides relevant findings for the (further) development of school policy instruments for the protection against discrimination and anti-discrimination work in schools.
Betül Can
Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
Azize Ipek Ergün
Evangelische Hochschule Berlin