- Status: Laufendes Projekt
- Laufzeit: –
Research project
RAISE – Rassismuskritische Schulentwicklung für eine gerechte(re) Bildung in der Migrationsgesellschaft
RAISE - research project launched
RAISE - Racism-critical school development for equitable education in the migration society is a joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund (ESF), which will run until August 2027. The aim is to support schools in promoting professionalization that is critical of racism and to promote structural changes in the education system.
Objective and approach
RAISE is dedicated to the sustainable development of racism-critical professionalization of teachers and the organizational development of schools. The project is based on a science-practice cooperation and addresses current challenges in the field of “diversity and social cohesion”. The focus is on empirical findings on the causes and consequences of racist structures in the education system.
The project pursues three central research questions:
Support for teachers: How can an adaptive Online Self Assessment (OSA) provide teachers with scientifically sound and practicable everyday support to further develop their racism-critical professionalization in a self-regulated way? Structuring of materials: How can information and reflection materials be designed in such a way that they promote effective further development? Anchoring in the school system: Which strategies enable the integration of racism-critical goals into country-specific guidelines and school structures?
Project design and innovation
The project will develop a practice-oriented app to support teachers in their professionalization. The functions include
Evaluation of their own skills with personalized feedback.Information and reflection modules for individual development.Diversity-sensitive action knowledge as well as spaces for empowerment and networking.
The app will be tested in a trial phase at cooperating schools and then made available free of charge.
Transfer and sustainability
In addition to providing direct support for teachers, the aim is to permanently anchor research-based anti-racism objectives in school system guidelines. To this end, the University of Wuppertal analyzes existing guidelines and offers school development consultations to provide impetus for the long-term implementation of racism-critical approaches.
Participating institutions
The joint project is supported by the University of Siegen, KiTma e.V. - Strength & Knowledge and the University of Wuppertal.
Project management and management of sub-project 1: Prof. Dr. Daniel Scholl (University of Siegen)Management of sub-project 2: Joshua C. Ikpegbu (KiTma e.V.)Head of sub-project 3: Dr. René Breiwe (University of Wuppertal)
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the following persons:
Prof. Dr. Daniel Scholl: daniel.scholl@uni-siegen.de
Joshua C. Ikpegbu: projekt.raise@kitma.org
Dr. René Breiwe: breiwe@uni-wuppertal.de