- Status: Laufendes Projekt
Research project
FoNA21: Research network on antisemitism in the 21st Century
The Research Network Antisemitism in the 21st Century (FoNA21) was founded as part of the BMBF funding program Current Dynamics and Challenges of Antisemitism. It supports ten collaborative projects dedicated to researching the causes and backgrounds of the current manifestations of antisemitism in Germany from different perspectives and questions.
About the Project
In 2019, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research launched the framework program Understanding Society - Shaping the Future for the Humanities and Social Sciences. It was endowed with 700 million euros for the 2019-2025 funding period. The framework program aims to promote cohesion in society through knowledge transfer from interdisciplinary research, to strengthen the innovative capacity of the humanities and social sciences internationally, and to secure Germany's cultural heritage in the long term.
In 2020, the funding announcement Current Dynamics and Challenges of Antisemitism was published, which led to the funding of ten collaborative projects and a meta-project, the Research Network Antisemitism in the 21st Century (FoNA21), in 2021.
The tasks of the meta-project are multi-layered: on the one hand, it makes the research processes and results of the research networks as usable as possible for the practice of civil society and, on the other, it brings the research networks involved in FoNA21 and their various scientific approaches into a constructive exchange.
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung / Technische Universität Berlin