Regionalnetzwerke | Hamburg

WinRa Regional Network North

The disciplinary focus of the Northern Regional Network, which Professor Mehrdad Payandeh and Professor Jürgen Zimmerer supervise, is on law and history. The main topic of "Law, History and Racism" forms the framework for analyzing legal regulations for protection against racism, the treatment of racism by the legal sciences, and the significance of racism and colonialism for and in the historical sciences.

Prof Payandeh and Prof Zimmerer will also look at current issues relating to racism in Germany, including the connection between colonialism and racism, the impact of racism on social cohesion, shifts in the discourse on racism, and the public approach to racism.

Contacts of the speakers & co-speakers

Prof. Dr. Mehrdad Payandeh, LL.M. (Yale)
Bucerius Law School
Lehrstuhl für Internationales Recht, Europarecht und Öffentliches Recht 
Jungiusstr. 6
20355 Hamburg

Tel.:  +49 (0)40 30706 – 201
Fax:  +49 (0)40 30706 – 235


Link to the profile

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmerer
Universität Hamburg
Arbeitsbereich Globalgeschichte
Überseering 35 #5
22297 Hamburg  

Tel.: +49 40 42838 – 4841 (Sekretariat)  


Link to the profile

Please contact Friederike Odenwald: 

Contacts of the coordinator

Parissa Rahimian  


Link to the profile